Leading People Through Change®

Most change initiatives fail and for similar reasons: 80% of companies use a top-down, minimal-involvement approach that ignores the concerns of the people who are affected.*

Leading People Through Change® is unique: its backbone is a high-involvement, collaborative solution that invites all parties into the change process. This inclusive approach draws on research on leading organizational change and our 30 years of experience in the field.

Recent research shows that a high-involvement approach that uses dialogue between change leaders and employees can increase change success by 34% to 58%, decrease implementation time by 33%, and increase employee engagement by 38%.

Leading Organizational Change Requires New Skills

The most successful companies stay ahead of the competition by making change a part of their corporate culture. Leaders who know how to lead organizational change proactively surface and address employees’ concerns and involve them throughout the process—and that moves the entire organization forward.

Pc Managing Change In Organizations Buy In

Increase Buy-In And Resilience

Leaders who can uncover, diagnose, and address the predictable concerns of their team members reduce resistance and increase their commitment to the change.

Sl Self Leadership Skills Accelerator

Get Results Faster

Organizational change initiatives that are led effectively are supported by employees and realize results faster.

Pc Organizational Development Capacity

Build Change Leadership Capability

Successful companies make the capacity to change a part of their culture and become more resilient and agile.

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Who Should Attend?

  • Intact Teams
  • Executives
  • Managers
  • High Potentials

Leading Successful Change Initiatives

Leading People Through Change teaches your leaders at all levels how to lead successful change initiatives. Leaders learn how to identify and address the predictable questions employees have and how to resolve their concerns to increase their buy-in and commitment.

Are You Ready To Start?

Here's how to implement successful training initiatives, following 3 steps:

  • Decision: We will help you decide who should take the training and why.
  • Preparation: We will help you prepare the materials and the instructors.
  • Implementation: We will help you implement the training perfectly.

Blanchard® is a global leader in leadership & management training. For nearly 40 years,
Blanchard® has been creating the best leaders & managers in the world, including organizations in the Top 500 Fortune.

Blanchard® starts at the heart of leadership, helping leaders view every exchange as an opportunity to foster trust and deepen relationships.
These inspired leaders become the ultimate agents of progress and transformation for their people, work, and organizations.

Blanchard Vietnam, a member of PACE Institute of Management, is an authorized partner of Blanchard® in Vietnam.