Blanchard® is a global leader in leadership & management training. For more than 45 years,
Blanchard® has been creating the best leaders & managers in the world, including organizations in the Top 500 Fortune.

Blanchard® starts at the heart of leadership, helping leaders view every exchange as an opportunity to foster trust and deepen relationships.
These inspired leaders become the ultimate agents of progress and transformation for their people, work, and organizations.

Blanchard Vietnam, a member of PACE Institute of Management, is an authorized partner of Blanchard® in Vietnam.

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The SLII Experience™

A Situational Approach to Leadership 

SLII® helps leaders improve their leadership styles in every situation, with each development level of employees. With SLII®, leaders are empowered with a proven, time-tested leadership model which is trusted by Top Fortune 500 companies as a solution to develop more great leaders to inspire and accelerate performance.

Key Insight

It's a brave new world out there. Only those who lead situationally can inspire their teams to rise to today's immense challenges.

Blanchard Management Essentials®

The Fundamental Skills for Every Manager


Self Leadership

Create a Workforce of Self Leaders to Power Your Organization


Coaching Essentials®

Behind Every Great Employee Is a Great Coach


Leading Virtually™

Your Virtual Employees Deserve Caring and Capable Leaders

The Future Of Leadership Development

Lead, learning, and talent development professionals are feeling the pressure this year, and it's not likely to let up for some time. Join us for a frank conversation about what's happening in L&D and how to develop an effective strategic plan... Read more

Featured Articles
No One “Best” Leadership Style

Effective leaders know that there is no one best way to manage people. Instead, they adapt their style according to the development level of the people... Read more

Developer Of Others: The Leadership Competency

We are often asked how managers can support direct reports who are going through a learning and development or coaching journey. As it happens, manager support... Read more

A Situational Approach to Effective Leadership

Missed goals, disappointing results, communication problems, and lack of engagement—leaders are called upon to resolve issues like these every day. But how should managers address these... Read more

Are You Ready To Start?

Here's how to implement successful training initiatives, following 3 steps:

  • Decision: We will help you decide who should take the training and why.
  • Preparation: We will help you prepare the materials and the instructors.
  • Implementation: We will help you implement the training perfectly.

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